Korrespondenz - international
Golden Rice GR2E: Proposal for direct use as food, feed and processing
Dear Director,
I write in support of the allowance of the above
proposal which appeared, for public comment, in section C2 of the Manila
Standard on 25 July 2017.
Vitamin A deficiency remains, in the Philippines as in
many other countries, a serious cause of mortality and morbidity, including
blindness, for young children, despite current interventions and improving
living standards. The deficiency is a nutritionally acquired immune deficiency
syndrome, and the most significant cause of under 5 years child mortality as
well as the most important cause of childhood blindness.
Provitamin A Biofortified GR2E Rice, also known as
Golden Rice, has the proven capacity to provide an additional intervention to
combat vitamin A deficiency, with minimal cultural change. Every
grain of Golden Rice is labelled with its colour, instantly ‘readable’ by any
level of literacy in any language. The technology has been donated
by its inventors for use in developing countries and in public owned rice
varieties, and there are no limitations, except export sale, on the use of
Golden Rice harvest, which can be locally sold, or replanted by growers. The
terms of the licenses in place in The Philippines, and elsewhere, ensure that
Golden Rice will cost no more than the white rice variety the nutritional trait
has been introduced to. Growers or consumers have no obligation to sign
anything, or pay anything for the extra nutrition. The agronomy of the
varieties is unaffected by the introduction of the nutritional trait.
Should the regulatory authorities in the Philippines
find the science in the regulatory submission to prove Provitamin A
Biofortified GR2E Rice to be safe to humans and animals, as whole or processed
rice, the Proposal should be allowed.
This will, in time, allow Philippine consumers the choice to consume
Provitamin A Biofortified GR2E Rice, or not.
Yours sincerely,
Prof. Dr. Klaus-Dieter Jany